Shared Pen Problem

There is currently a pretty big problem with using Amiga Mosaic on a public screen. Normally this is done with the MUI Prefs program, by specifying a special public screen to open on. However, MUI does not open an AmigaOS 3.x screen, i.e. one with shared pens. So even if you open a 256 color screen, none of those pens are available to Amiga Mosaic.

One solution I've been tossing around is to detect this situation, and explicitly release all the pens on the screen when the program starts.

I'm also considering whether to set up a custom palette on screens, with an even spread of colors, so that most images will come out pretty well. Currently, the first image you view may use all your colors, and look great. However, subsequent images may not get a good match from those colors, and look worse.